Faye & Charlotte

Faye & Charlotte
Faye & Charlotte

Saturday, 19 February 2011

CB/Company Idents (more detailed)

Production Company Name-  

We chose the name Cupidz  for 'Cupid' is the name of the God of Love.This of course links to our genre being,romantic comedy.Using  the letter z instead of an s , we thought made it more unique and that it would appeal to our target audience (15 onwards) for abbrevations are seemed to be cool.

We had ideas for the Cupidz ident and the main one which we thought would be brilliant to do was to have a cupid shooting in his arrow into the word cupidz (which is in a white curvy soft font like sans serif) and it would then turn into a red font for cupids arrow has struck it resulting in love, hence the red colour.However with discussions with the teacher we thought that this woul take too much time for we would have to animate it.Therefore I went onto Livetype and created our other idea that would function well on this software.I found it relatively easy to use Livetype and as I had key ideas already in mind , this also made it easier.After I desgined the basic layout on Livetype, I went onto use I-Movie so i could make further adjustments and special effects to make the ident stand out.

The finished design was pleasing as I think it looks professional and would be a good ident that  would represent the world of romantic comedy and be a potentional market for film producers.The ident's background was of some red material blowing gently in the wind, which I thought looke romantic and serene.The font of Cupidz Productions is in a white font that looks like it has been drawn by a child.I thought this style of font would work for a couple of reasons.1st reason is that it looks fun which is an element of what watching a Rom-Com should be like.Secondly when your young,your in own little world which is what you feel like when your in love with somebody,some would say you get all giddy like a child too.This text is also slightly moving which makes it more interesting for the audience.

When I went onto I-Movie, i used this special effect called fairydust which is fairy dust that moves across the screen in any direction you want.I thought it would look good if this 'travelling sparkle' would go through the title of Cupidz Productions as to say we create movie magic!I also thought this effect makes it look very Disney-esque!Next i made the font glow with sparkle which highlights the magic of our movie making and the warmth you get from love! Finally as the fairy dust is going through the Production Title we added a sound clip which is of someone playing a piano, going from high keys to low keys, which goes perfectly well with this as the notes of the music is travelling up, mirroring the action of the fairy dust effect.

Here is our Cupidz Productions Ident!

Distributors Ident-
'Pies in the sky'
For this ident we have filmed some mince pies being thrown into the air.This was quite tricky to catch them being thrown high into the air with the camera at such an angle.However, we managed to get some great shots! With these shots we uploaded them to I-Movie and then transferred this footage to Livetype to edit over the ident titles Pies in the Sky.

Here is the footage we caught on video camera!

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